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Very Cheap Car Insurance

If your car is written off, we’ll give you a new car of the same make and model if yours is under 12 months old and you’re the registered owner. (Comprehensive cover only).

Many insurers make a large mark-up by selling add-ons at higher rates than you can get elsewhere. Also, some of these add-ons may already be included in your policy, so read all the terms and conditions carefully. We will replace your car with a new one of the same make model and specification if your car is damaged beyond economical repair or stolen and not recovered and you bought your car from new within the past 12 months.

Another quick win is tweaking your job description (legitimately of course). An illustrator is often cheaper than an artist, an editor than a journalist, a PA than a secretary. If you are unable to drive your car after loss or damage, we would aim to provide you with a courtesy car If a courtesy car is not suitable for your needs, you may be able to claim for ‘loss of use’ benefits, excluding the first week. If you have already had a quote from us – all you need to do is click the retrieve a quote button above and login to your account to view your best quote prices.

Your No Claim Discount won’t be affected by one claim made in your current period of cover, or by two claims made in the three preceding years of insurance. However, if you do exceed the number of claims allowed you’ll no longer be eligible for No Claim Discount. In Queensland , CTP is a mandatory part of registration for a vehicle. There is choice of insurer but price is government controlled in a tight band. Check what’s on offer via comparison sites as insurers often have exclusive offers set up with them which you can’t get by going direct. The team are always trying to make it even easier to compare prices and reduce the price of your insurance.

Get your mileage right too. This is really important because if you overestimate, you’ll be paying for miles you don’t use. Many insurers offer black box policies. These involve a small device being fitted in your vehicle that tracks various things like your speed, breaking and mileage. The better and safer you drive with a black box, the cheaper your cover will be. Legal advice and expenses if you are hit by an uninsured driver or you are prosecuted for a motoring offence. Full cover for any damage sustained by third parties involved in an accident. Your vehicle’s also insured against fire and theft.

For those over the age of 50, ‘pimping your ride’ involves decking it out with fancy alloys, windows and spoilers. The more changes you make to your car, barring security ones, the more you’ll be charged. Always tell your insurer about any modifications and whether you made them or not, or it may invalidate your policy. This is about trial and error, not logic. Your mum may increase the cost, your brother may cut it, or vice versa. It’s just a question of trying different quotes and seeing what happens.

In the event of an accident which causes death, loss of limbs and/or permanent loss of sight in one or both eyes, cover is provided up to a limit of £5000 (per person) for the driver and any passengers. As well as insurers refusing to offer you the special rates that are available to new customers, there is often an administration fee charged for renewing your policy.

Add Motor Legal Protection Cover for £29.99 per year. It is a 5 star Defaqto rated cover, and there’s a legal helpline available 24/7. However, if you take out a comprehensive or Third party fire & theft policy with us, by adding on this option, LV= can guarantee the use of a courtesy car whilst your vehicle is being repaired, or for up to 14 days if it has been stolen or written off, even if the recommended garage doesn’t have a car for you to use. This was triggered by a European Court of Justice ruling on a challenge by a Belgian consumer group. Its case was that the exemption for insurers contradicted the principle of gender equality.

Pass Plus is a scheme designed to offer you the chance to prove that you are a safe, responsible driver. Taking a Pass Plus test to supplement your basic practical and theory tests can make your cover a bit cheaper. But there’s more to insurance fraud than dodgy whiplash claims and crash-for-cash scams. Simple errors and omissions on quotes can end up counting as fraud.

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Motor insurers in the UK place a limit on the amount that they are liable for in the event of a claim by third parties against a legitimate policy. This can be explained in part by the Great Heck Rail Crash that cost the insurers over £22 million in compensation for the fatalities and damage to property caused by the actions of the insured driver of a motor vehicle that caused the disaster. No limit applies to claims from third parties for death or personal injury, however UK car insurance is now commonly limited to £20m for any claim or series of claims for loss of or damage to third party property caused by or arising out of one incident.

We understand modifications to a vehicle are common during repair or restoration projects. Please inform us of any modifications to ensure we provide you with like-for-like cover of your vehicle. Your driving record. If you’ve got points on your licence such as a speeding offence, or a driving conviction you’ll have to pay a higher premium as car insurers will consider you to be more of a ‘high-risk’ driver. You’re free to drive when and where you like; there are no mileage restrictions, other than your declared annual mileage and no time constraints.

To qualify for a courtesy car, your car must be repaired by an approved repairer. A courtesy car is not available if your car has been written off or has been stolen and is still missing. A courtesy car is not available to customers where the vehicle insured is a van. If you have a damaged window, windscreen or sunroof we’ll repair it (£10 excess) or replace it (£75 excess) and if you use one of our approved repairers the most we will pay will be the market value of your car at the time of the loss. If you use one of your own repairers the claim will be limited to £50.